Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, August 20, 2007

Dean's a Bitch

Dean might be the winner. Destruccion is aproaching!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Given the lack of any wind speed from the early hurricanes, I must say I have been dissappointed in el nino (sorry about not having the correct letter here, I dont know where it is and I hear that Stephanie is checking spelling so I wanted to explain) this year. Just so everyone knows though Humberto is on the way...

Also, What is everyone's name or what is the way to figure out who is who???

And I could have used those guerilla interview tactics last week during my 33 interviews in 4 days, but I guess what I really needed was adderall so that I could get through answering the same damn questions 33 times...

Hope school starts off well for everyone

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Still in the Dirty

Yes..Yes I am still down here in Peachtree City...but not for much longer. I finally leave the ATL and my crazy roomy in the dust tomorrow. Then off to Hilton Head and Savannah for a few days. Then off to the shitty midwest. I hope everyone is enjoying their last few days before school starts. Also, remember to read your Guerrilla Tactics for all the upcoming interviews. It will only help. Good luck to all and to all a Good night. Out!!!

Back to School...Back to School...

Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dadda that I'm not a fool... I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight...Oh, back to school.

Well, the weather gods are certainly paying homage to all our wonderful law school deans by laying the smack down with ole Tropical Storm Dean. And consistent with most of our law deans, this storm is unlikely to make any sort of lasting impression. Boooo! Yes, yes, I know, you ask, 'but wait, can't Dean's puny status as a tropical storm blossom into a beautiful category 5 monster?' Well, yes, but according to the PhD meteorologists on the Weather Channel, it appears quite unlikely. Sad, I know. In any event, here's the latest scoop on the tropical storm that has as much a chance of becoming a hurricane as its better known friend Howard had at winning the Democratic nomination in '04:

"Tropical Storm Dean is located within about 1030 mi west of the southernmost Cape Verdes and about 1490 mi east of the Lesser Antilles. Maximum sustained winds are 40 mph, with stronger gusts."
See also www.weather.com (last visited Aug. 14, 2007); accord Tuch A, Tropical Storm Dean: Gone Without the Wind, 101 San Diego Hurricane Journal 342 (2007).

You all know what this means...Felix is in the hole with Erin on deck, Look out! Fine work today everyone...let's keep our tracking senses alert! Mahalo!! Stephanie, did I spell everything corect this time??

Monday, August 13, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bye, SEC!

It's finally the last day for the rest of us! This will therefore be the last post you'll see from me in awhile. I would also like to say how disappointed I am in the frequency (or lack thereof) of posting. C'mon, people! I know you don't have anything better to do than look at a blog about hurricanes. When I asked Ransom about whether he's been on the blog, he said "Oh that spam e-mail thing? No I'm not going on that blog!" Super.

Bye, SEC!

It's finally the last day for the rest of us! This will therefore be the last post you'll see from me in awhile. I would also like to say how disappointed I am in the frequency (or lack thereof) of posting. C'mon, people! I know you don't have anything better to do than look at a blog about hurricanes. When I asked Ransom about whether he's been on the blog, he said "Oh that spam e-mail thing? No I'm not going on that blog!" Super.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bagels and Bananas

We just had cake and ice cream with Tyler (Quiet Buff Intern from 5th floor) to celebrate his last day. It was wonderful. Ed just sidled me. Freaked me out. Exciting day. Wish you all were here.

We are not Bored!

We are having a wonderful day today so do not believe Sonia. Tomorrow is our last day..sad times. By the way it is 10:15am and John has yet to show up. He has come in later and later each day this week. I love his Yaley style!! out!


i would just like to highlight toby's sentence of his previous post:

"...the choking did look a little more harmful than usual..."

...as if certain choking is completely harmless. what a great, non-abusive husband you will grow to be one day, toby!

on a non-related note, WE'RE BORED! come back and visit us. thanks.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Our Defense

I must admit the choking did look a little more harmful than usual, but we did have a wonderful final dinner to get to with Lenny. And I must say it was a fabulous dinner.

aaron and toby are going to hell

apparently when aaron and toby were driving to meet greg (lenny) for dinner and pulled up to a red light, they saw some dude choking his girlfriend for a good amount of time. although i give them a point for thinking to call 911, they get negative 100 million points for deciding "well, then we'll have to stay and wait to talk to the cops, and then we'll be late meeting greg...." at which point they drove away.

good work today, guys.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

an update from pablo will eat you

Chantal = drag-ass....and make sure you really emphasize those "As" how we Chicaaaaagoans do!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chantal...A Whole Lotta Suck...Not A Lotta Blow

RIP Tropical Storm Chantal

Some predicted that Chantal would hit the eastern seaboard with an attitude, an "oh, no you didddnnn'tt," and some serious junk in her trunk. Sadly though, after quickly topping out at only 50 mph, the Atlantic Ocean had its way with her and unexpectedly slapped that ho down.

On Deck: Dean

Get your ponchos ready!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I wish destruccion upon you all!!!

Beware of Sebastien!!!

Just when you think your hurricane has caused the most devastation, Hurricane Sebastion will wreak havoc on you like nothing you have ever experienced.....

P.S. (do you think my title could have used another exclamation point?)

SEC Atlanta - Where The Playaz Play

Da List

Andrea - Subtropical storm = 50 mph. Sonia radar = Weak-ass
Barry - Tropical storm = 60 mph. Sonia radar = Wimp-ass
Chantal - Finally she's here!! Hold on tight!!

Dean (unused)
Erin (unused)
Felix (unused) - Stephanie
Gabrielle (unused) - Tony
Humberto (unused) - Matt
Ingrid (unused) - Brian
Jerry (unused) - Ransom
Karen (unused)
Lorenzo (unused) - Reid
Melissa (unused)
Noel (unused)
Olga (unused) - Jonathan
Pablo (unused) - Sonia
Rebekah (unused)
Sebastien (unused) - Greg
Tanya (unused)
Van (unused) - Aaron
Wendy (unused)